by Andres Gaitan | May 5, 2023 | Wishes Complete Donation Transparency
Creative Fundraising Ideas Raising funds is a critical part of any nonprofit’s mission, but it can be difficult to come up with fresh, creative ideas to get people to donate. Traditional fundraising methods like direct mail and phone campaigns may not always be...
by Andres Gaitan | May 3, 2023 | Featured, Wishes Complete Donation Transparency
Nonprofit organizations have traditionally relied heavily on donations, services revenue, events and grants to fund their operations and achieve their missions. However, with continued repercussions from the COVID-19 pandemic and with looming economic uncertainty...
by Andres Gaitan | Apr 25, 2023 | Featured, fundraising, Trust, Wishes Complete Donation Transparency
In the realm of crowdfunding, it’s natural to want to help those in need. We may come across a friend of a friend or a complete stranger who is going through a tough time and decide to donate to their cause. But as time passes, we may begin to wonder where our...
by Andres Gaitan | Apr 21, 2023 | Donating, Donors and Philanthropists, fundraising, Transparency, Trust, Wishes Complete Donation Transparency
Where Did My Money Go? Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular way for individuals and organizations to raise money for their projects, causes, or businesses. With just a few clicks, you can donate to a cause or campaign and help someone achieve their goal....
by Andres Gaitan | Apr 18, 2023 | Charity, Donating, Wishes Complete Donation Transparency
Supporting Your Neighbors In times of crisis, such as natural disasters, medical emergencies, or economic downturns, communities often come together to support those in need. Neighbors shouldn’t turn from one another, we need to turn to each other. Neighbors...