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Why Nonprofits Need to Diversify Their Fundraising

Why Nonprofits Need to Diversify Their Fundraising

Nonprofit organizations have traditionally relied heavily on donations, services revenue, events and grants to fund their operations and achieve their missions. However, with continued repercussions from the COVID-19 pandemic and with looming economic uncertainty relying on just a few sources of funding can be risky. Nonprofits need to think bigger and bolder about diversifying fundraising efforts to ensure they are supporting their missions in the long run.

Crowdfunding: Where Did My Money Go?

Crowdfunding: Where Did My Money Go?

Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular way for individuals and organizations to raise money for their projects, causes, or businesses. With just a few clicks, you can donate to a cause or campaign and help someone achieve their goal. But have you ever wondered where your money goes after you hit the “donate” button?